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Brazil Ethno Dance Workshops

with Ivan Vasconcellos - dance teacher, choreographer and ethnologist

© F.Koch workshop
The Brazil Ethno Dance Workshops with Ivan Vasconcellos for Candomblé, Afro Brazilian Dance and Samba have following stucture:

Lecture Demonstration
In the Lecture and Demonstration part of the Brazil Ethno Dance Workshops, Ivan Vasconcellos gives an overview about the contents and the structure of the workshop and familiarizes with the Brazilian way of life and national characteristics. By using of numerous of visual materials and requisites he shows the cultural background of the workshop contents, a vitalised meeting with the fascinating afro brazilian culture.

The Dance
In the dance part he demonstrates techniques, expressive dance steps and formations on the base of powerful afro brazilian elements. Ivan teaches in a pedagogically mature methodology and with a high level of professionalism and sensitivity. He enables the participants to feel the brazilian way of live - "therefore no brazilian passport is needed".

The workshops are open for everyone, who have interest on rhythm, dance and Brazil.

The Brasil Ethno Dance Workshops very successfully take place at numbers of universities, culture centers, dance schools and dance festivals in Germany and other countries.

Brazil Ethno Dance Workshops are offered for following topics:

Tanzbrasil Lessons in the Press Review


Link zu 3SAT TV show at YouTube, Photo: F. Koch, © Tanzbrasil

3SAT-Homepage in Tanzbrasil archive
(in German)

Gazeta Wyborcza (PDF, 188kB)
Polska Glos (PDF, 500kB)

Workshop results:

Final Presentation
Dance Festival Poznan 2011 (YouTube)

Final Presentation
Dance Festival Poznan 2010 (YouTube)

Final Presentation
Dance Festival Poznan 2009 (YouTube)

Final Presentation
Dance Festival Poznan 2008 (YouTube)


... fleet-footedly Ivan Vasconcellos demonstrates dancing steps of various "Orixás". The layman remembers them as a concise shape language of body and arms above a rhythmic and soft floating of hips. In the workshops Vasconcellos teaches these traditional motions and mixes them with abstract, choreographed motion sequences. "I am a contemporary dancer and choreographer, here I take the traditional dancing steps as a material to work with. In this process I clearly declare what is Candomblé and what is by myself."

Article as PDF (in German, 106 kB)

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