
Tanzbrasil na Rua - Parade & Performance

The afrobrazilian culture on the street
Openair Dance Class & Parade & Performance

The results of Ivan Vasconcellos' classes and workshops are presented on the street (na Rua), in tradition of the afrobrazilian culture, like at the world biggest carnival on street in Salvador da Bahia. Parades with his students, music and Capoeira groups and Bahianas enrich for example the Streetlife Festival in Munich.

Tanzbrasil na rua
Beside the appearance in Germany also performances in Brazil with brazilian groups are task of the Tanzbrasil activities. With sometimes "crazy" presentations like dance between market stands Ivan Vasconcellos enriches the culture of dance in Brazil with special highlights.

A booking of Tanzbrasil na Rua is possible. We offer performances with Dancers, Musicans, Bahianas and Capoeiristas. Joint activities with interested percussions groups are also feasible.

Join in!
Everyone is welcome to participate at the "Tanzbrasil na Rua"! The schedule for the training lessons can be found at Courses.

The Tanzbrasil-T-Shirt is helpful to arrange an uniform dress code of our group. The price is 20,- Euro (S/M/L).

Tel: 089 / 12 16 23 - 11
Fax: 089 / 12 16 23 - 36

Following galleries with a selection of pictures give an impression about the facets of Tanzbrasil na Rua.

    Bragadá Festival in Munich 2013
    Klangfarben Festival Regensburg 2010
Grupo Tanzbrasil na Rua at the Streetlife Festival Munich 2010     Grupo Tanzbrasil na Rua at the Streetlife Festival Munich 2010
Streetlife Festival Sept. 2008     Streetlife Festival September 2008
Streetlife Festival Juni 2008     Streetlife Festival Juni 2008
Streetlife Festival 2008     Dance performance at the market of Itapoan
with Grupo Rony / Salvador da Bahia
Streetlife Festival 2008     Dance performance at the Lagoa do Abaeté
with Grupo Siri / Salvador da Bahia
Streetlife Festival 2008     Dance performance in the Pelourinho
with Grupo Carlos Bahia / Salvador da Bahia

Press Review

  Wochenanzeiger (PDF, 667 kB)
  Merkur (PDF, 111 kB)
  Gemeinde Haar (PDF, 233 kB)
  Dolomiten, Bozen (JPG, 90 kB)
Sitemap Tour