God of illness and suffering

Omulu, © Francisco Santos

Omolu is an Orixá connected to earth. Therefore he is associated with birth, death and the secrets of both. On one hand he can bring life, but on the other hand also death. Diseases are under the control of Omolu, especially pox, skin diseases, and epidemics. With diseases his role is ambiguous: they are signs of his revenge, but at the same time he is the only one able to fight them and to re-establish order.

The features of Omolu must not be seen, therefore his face is entirely covered with bast. He does not only spread diseases, but also knows the secrets for healing them. Therefore he is also the physician of the people suffering illnesses.

His colors are black and white, his symbol is the scythe and his stone is the black onyx. His residence is in earth, underworld, suffering, epidemic, leprosy, weakness, and fever. Monday is his day.

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