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The children's Orixá
lbeji is the Orixá of the children, of happiness and fun. His function is connected with the time we experience when we are children. Ibeiji is present in all rituals of Candomblé, for if we don't care for him he can cause mischief.
With his extreme way of playing and having fun he can pose harm to our work and to our concentration on work. He is the Orixá guiding the pleasure and innocence of the children. It is his destination to place small children under his protection until they have reached the age of youth, independent of the Orixá the child bears within.
Ibeiji is all beauty, all pure and good that exists. The child with its laughter, its language and gleaming eyes, the beauty of a bird, the scent of a flower, also the child we bear within and the memories to our childhood are guided and led by Ibeiji.
To continue the legend of this Orixá, you should also try to pass on joy and contentment. Create him also within yourself. Close your eyes and think of a happy moment or a funny prank, experience the magic of laughter with the love of a child - and Ibeiji will also be happy inside of you.